About The Brand

Learn about Collective Moments Founder, Monique. What the brand means and what our identity is.

What is Collective Moments?

Collective moments LLC was created in 2022 by Monique Viau recently after moving to Boston, after sadly losing her inaugural penpal Grandmother Kay and reflecting on what she could do to make a difference. Writing cards is something second nature to Monique, she always carries stamps on her, has a pen nearby and finds joy in the written word especially when it's to those she cares for.

The business started slow with creating concepts, ordering a TON of personally captured photos and building the framework of what collective moments is now today.

Collective Moments is more than a "card company"... it's a hub for inspiration, a source for supplies, an outlet to create ... with the hopes that YOU take the next step to share something positive with another.

Tell someone you love them. Tell someone you care for them. Purely say hi. It can be anything, but anything goes a long way.

My Hobbies

Hobby 1#: Embrace Life

Embrace Life. Spend quality time with those I care about. Make memories. Sit in the sun. Smell the flowers. Listen to music that inspires. Laugh over anything. Because life is short, Friends are important, and feeling… feeling everything around you is vital to being your best self. 

Hobby #2 : Create

Create. Cards, and not just a deck of cards, trading cards,  or something like uno, although I love to play… and am always in for a game. But create greeting cards (as a simple way to describe it). To build creative that means something unique and different to everyone who sees it. To make a statement, with exciting headlines. Even more important than what I create, is what the new owners get to do with them. Send them. To write their own message and share it with someone they love, trust or have a note for. 

What this means for me: Creator, artist, photographer, writer, marketer, business owner. 

About My Stamps

As an artist and someone who gets inspired often, frequently and with my surroundings I have three tattoos to share. Most of you have seen them, either in my Instagram or in person. These mean a lot to me, and always bring a smile when I look down or have a pen in my hand. Left arm as your girlie is a lefty.. often with ink on my hand, not just my arm. 

My Tattoos:

  1. The Lightbulb: Never stop thinking and never dull my sunshine. PS; it's a forever stamp.
  2. Michigan: Be proud of where you’re from and never forget it.
  3. The Red Lily (Florence): To honor the most special day of my life.

Sayings from Supporters

  • Mentor: Be confident, bold and you 
  • Friends: Never dull your shine & uniqueness 
  • Parents: You can do anything you put your mind to
  • Husband: I'll support you forever
  • Myself: Always invest your time in what feels right

Where To Purchase?

Collective Moments can be found at American Provisions in South Boston, via direct commission (recently completed the first commissioned piece for a local real estate company) and now HERE online.

Multiple lanes of distribution are ready for YOU!

  • In Shop (Boston Local)
  • Online Ready-Made
  • Online Personalized
  • B2B (Email / Contact for inquires)

Proud Member

Happy to share that Collective Moments is a proud member of the Boston Women's Market.

Contact for Custom Collection